Expert Panels / workshops / seminars

2020 November 24: Baku, Azerbaijan - Panel presentation on "Protection of Women and Children in International Humanitarian Law", 1st Virtual Baku Conference on International Humanitarian Law, supported by the Council on State Support to NGOs under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2017 November 24: Rome, Italy - Panel presentation on "How far should religious intolerance be tolerated?”, The Institute for the Study of Culture and Christianity and the American University of Rome Peace Studies Program.

2016 June 26: The Hague, The Netherlands - Panel moderator, “South China Arbitration and the International Rule of Law” Leiden Univ. / Wuhan Univ.

2016 June 16: The Hague, The Netherlands - Panel moderator, “Can Counter Terrorism Efforts become Truly Effective Without Sacrificing Human Rights and the Rule of Law?”, Hague Institute / Doughty Street International.

2016 June 3: Geneva, Switzerland - Panel moderator, “Accountability as a Common Goal”, sponsored by The Netherlands Permanent Mission to the UN, The Graduate Institute of International Studies, featuring ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’al al Hussein, and three other experts.

2016 May 24: The Hague, The Netherlands- Panel moderator, Debriefing of ICC Retreat on Performance Indicators, featuring President of the ICC , Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi, James Goldston (OSI) Hague Inst. / Government of Switzerland.

2016 April 14: The Hague, The Netherlands- "Reparations for Historical Wrongs" The Hague Institute for Global Justice.

2015 December 1-3: Arusha, Tanzania,  “How do national authorities develop the political will necessary to promote accountability?” Expert workshop at ICTR closing ceremonies.

2015 September 16: The Hague, The Netherlands, Panel moderator on “Implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC”.

2015 July 22: Geneva, Switzerland, UNOHCHR Expert Presentation to UN Human Rights Council's Ad Hoc Committee on Elaboration of Complementary Standards to the UN Racial Discrimination Convention.

2015 May 7-9: Rome, Italy, Moderated panel on Risks & Opportunities in Civil Society-Public Institutions Relationship, at LUISS University.

2014 September 22: Rhodes, Greece, Keynote address on “Humanitarian Intervention in History: Use of Abuse”.

2013 November 26-27: Geneva, Switzerland, Speech to UN Minority Rights Forum on the right to freedom of religion or belief for IDLO.

2013 March 6: Tunis, Tunisia, "Remarks on Transitional Justice" Association Tunisienne de droit de developpement.

2012 December 12-14, Arusha, Tanzania, International Criminal Law: East African Perspectives

2012 November 12: Gothenburg, Sweden, "Prevention, Protection and Punishment" Human Rights Days Conference.

2012 April 23: Vienna, Austria, "UN Crime Congress Salvador Declaration paragraphs on preventing and addressing trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants", PNI Workshop at UNODC.

2011 October 28 Marrakech, Morocco, "Anti-Corruption and HR", UN Conference of State Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

2011 March 3-5: London, United Kingdom, "Ten Principles for Reconciling Truth Commissions and Criminal Prosecutions" Institute of Advanced Legal Studies War Crimes Conference.

2010 July-October, Rome and Brussels, Belgium, European Commission (EuropeAid) Senior Human Rights Expert, Drafted background papers and final report for 12th Annual EU-NGO Forum on Human Rights held on 12 -13 July 2010.

2010 April 15: Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, "Role of NGOs in UN Human Rights Monitoring in Relation to ICC Fact-Finding", International Association of Prosecutors.

2009 December 1: Innsbruck, Austria, Univ. of Innsbruck, "Lecture on Human Security".

2009 September 17-18: Istanbul, Turkey, "International Criminal Justice Education for the Rule of Law" Prep. Meeting for the Workshop at the 12th UN Congress of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

2009 September - 2010 April: Rome, Italy, UNODC Expert drafter, Drafted and presented background paper for 12th UN Crime Congress in Salvador, Brazil, on ‘international criminal justice education for the rule of law'.

2007 September 13: Paris, France, Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe Hearing on Truth Commissions.

2007 January 28-30: Singapore, "(in)Secure Societies: Redefining Civil Liberties in a Changing Security Environment", ASEF Asia-Europe Foundation.

2006 August 15: Lund, Sweden, "Traditional Knowledge and the Right to Development", Learning for and from Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Development, Research Policy Institute, Lund University.

2006 June-December: Lund, Sweden, UNDP Expert Consultant on Anti-Corruption and Human Rights - Prepared paper with Ilaria Bottigliero for 12th International Anti-Corruption Conference in Guatemala.

2005 September 7-10: Johannesburg, South Africa, The Fourteenth African Human Rights Moot Court Competition, Judge, Final Round, held at the South African Constitutional Court, Chair, Panel on ‘Child Soldiers'.

2005 June 22: Innsbruck, Austria, Panellist on "The Role of Humanitarian Intervention in International Peace and Security: Guarantee or Threat?" IPO / Innsbruck Univ. Department of Philosophy.

2005 January - March: Geneva, Switzerland, UNOHCHR Expert Consultant on Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law - Presented paper on "Impunity" and was seminar rapporteur.

2004 October 17-19: Singapore, "Cross-Examining Justice: Cultural, Religious and Social Conceptions of Justice in Asia & Europe", Asia-Europe Foundation.

2004 August 28: Singapore, Seminar on the International Criminal Court - Panellist on "History of International Criminal Justice and the ICC", ASEM, Forum Asia, NUS and Think Centre.

2003 October 12: Kowloon, China, Ethics in Action- Panellist on "The Changing Role of Human Rights NGOs in Global Politics: Challenges and Dilemmas for the Future", UNU / OSI / City U.

2003 September 15: Hong Kong, China, A New Empire?: The World Order After Iraq - Panellist on "The Bush Administration's Impact on the International Rule of Law".

2003 February 10-12: Haikou, China, "Can the International Criminal Court be a Fair and Impartial Instrument of Justice?", ALRC / People's (Renming) University in Beijing.

2003 January 16-17: Beijing, China, The First Annual Asian Law Forum - Panellist on "Can Asia Develop a Sustainable Regional Counter- Terrorism Policy?" Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

2002 November 28 - 3 December:  Siracusa, Italy, Presenter / Rapporteur - International Crimes panel, IIHSCS.

2002 November 2: Hong Kong, China, The Impact of Anti-Terrorism Measures in Hong Kong and the Region - Panellist on "US Anti- Terrorism Policy and Asia's Options". University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law.

2002 August 7-12: Cairo, Egypt, The 11th African Human Rights Moot Court Competition - Judge, Final Round.

2002 July 19-21: Venice, Italy, European Masters in HR Diplomatic Conf on Terrorism.

2002 June 27-28: Quezon City, Philippines, National Workshop on the ICC, Panellist on "International Criminal Law and Justice: Historical Origins, Rationale and Contemporary Enforcement", University of the Philippines.

2002 May 31: Hong Kong, China, The ICC Marks a New Era in the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law, Panellist on "The ICC's Role in Shaping Human Rights Standards and Observance", ICRC / HKU.

2002 May 15-19: Dhaka, Bangladesh, ICC Lobbying of Govt. Ministries / Civil Society, Asia Forum.

2002 May 8-12: Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea, ICC Lobby Tour of Japanese and South Korean Government and Civil Society, organized by Asia Forum.

2002 March 6: Hong Kong, China, Conference on International Criminal Justice, HKU / Justice Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Presentation on "The Search for International Criminal Justice from Ancient Customary Law to the ICC".

2002 January 21-25: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, National Workshop on Human Rights and the ICC, Panellist on "The Search for International Criminal Justice from Ancient Customary Law to the ICC".

2001 November 21-24: Vientiane, Laos, National Workshop on the International Criminal Court, Presentation on "Origin and Development of International Criminal Law: From Nuremberg and Tokyo to the ICC".

2001 September 11-12: Bangkok, Thailand, Asian Regional Experts Meeting on the International Criminal Court - Panellist on "The Main Operating Principles of the ICC: An Overview of the Rome Statute".

2001 August 11-14: Kowloon, China, East Asian Workshop on the International Criminal Court - Panellist on human rights and international criminal law.

2001 June 28 June 2001: London, United Kingdom, Law Society of England and Wales, Panellist on "The Observance of Human Rights Standards in the Administration of International Criminal Justice".

2001 February 19-21: Tehran, Iran, Asian Regional Intergovernmental Prep. Conference for the World Conference against Racism, Secretary of Asia Regional Conference, United Nations / Government of Iran.

2001 January 22-23: Paris, France, Annual Meeting of Directors of Human Rights Institutes, UNESCO Panellist on "The World Conference against Racism".

2000 July 3-7:  Warsaw, Poland, Central and Eastern European Regional Seminar of Experts on "The Protection of Minorities and Other Vulnerable Groups and Strengthening Human Rights Capacity at the National Level" Coordinator for regional expert seminar, World Conference against Racism preparatory process.

2000 April 10-14: Vienna, Austria, Tenth United Nations Congress for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders Ancillary meeting panellist on right to reparation, restitution and compensation".

2000 January - February and 1997 November: Siracusa, Italy, International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences, Informal Inter-Sessionals on an International Criminal Court.

1999 August 2-15, New York, USA, ICC Preparatory Committee, Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

1999 April 26-29: Paris, France, International Expert Seminar on Victims' Access to the International Criminal Court Victims of crimes under international law, Foreign Affairs and Justice Ministries.

1999 April 20-21: London, United Kingdom, The Law Society of England and Wales, International Human Rights Committee Speech on "Should There Be a Permanent International Criminal Court?"

1999 May 13: The Hague, The Netherlands, The Hague Appeal for Peace Panel Discussion on a Culture of Peace Panellist on "International Criminal Law and a Culture of Peace" (Soka Gakkai).

1999 May 12: The Hague, The Netherlands, The Hague Appeal for Peace Panel Discussion on Humanitarian Intervention Panellist on on humanitarian intervention, Helsinki Citizens' Assembly.

1999 May 12: The Hague, The Netherlands, The Hague Appeal for Peace Panel on Mercenary Activities Panellist on "Mercenaries and Individual Criminal Responsibility"

1999 May 11: The Hague, The Netherlands, The Global Campaign to Ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Presentation to Conference on behalf of UNOHCHR.

1998 15 June - 17 July: Rome, Italy, Representative of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the UN Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of the International Criminal Court, (1st and last two weeks of Rome Conference).

1998 May 19: New York, USA, International Peace Academy Programme in Peace-Making and Preventive Diplomacy.

1998 April 3: New York, USA, ICC Preparatory Committee.

1998 March 23 March - 3 April: New York, USA, ICC Preparatory Committee.

1997 November 28 - 15 December: New York, USA, Rome, ICC Preparatory Commission.

1992 August - September: Thessalonika, Greece, Institute of International Public Law and International Relations Summer Study Session Tutor on international criminal law.

1989 February 1990 August: Geneva, Switzerland, ILO Legal Expert, Labour Law Information Branch.