specialist expertise

Within the fields of international criminal law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law, I have focused more on:

★    Anti-Corruption
★    Arbitrary Arrest and Detention
★    Civil and Political Rights
★    Climate Change and Human Rights
★    Darfur Conflict
★    Democracy
★    Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
★    Equality and Non-Discrimination
★    Fact-Finding

★    Freedom of Religion or Belief
★    Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity
★    Good Governance
★    Human Security
★    Humanitarian Intervention
★    Humanitarian Space
★    Impunity as a Threat to Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law
★    Independence of the Judiciary
★    International Criminal Justice Education for the Rule of Law
★    International Criminal Law and Enforcement
★    Mainstreaming Human Rights
★    Minority Rights
★    Monitoring, Investigation and Reporting
★    National Human Rights Institutions
★    NGOs in the Human Rights Field
★    Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
★    Regional Systems of Human Rights
★    Rule of Law
★    Rwanda 1994
★    Self-Determination
★    Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
★    Torture
★    Truth Commissions and Criminal Prosecutions
★    UN Human Rights Council Special Procedures
★    UN Human Rights System
★    UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies
★    Universal Periodic Review
★    Use of Force in International Relations
★    Violence against Women
★    Women’s Human Rights