Academic credentials

My approach has always been to use theoretical knowledge to guide implementation and then adjust principles and good practices in the light of field experience.


★    PhD    Docteur ès Sciences Politiques (Droit International) - Feb 1991
Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Doctoral dissertation published as Individual Responsibility in International Law for Serious Human Rights Violations (Kluwer 1992).

★    LLM     Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law - July 1987
Essex Univ. Colchester, UK. Thesis - “Principles of Non-Discrimination in International and Comparative Law”.

★    LLB    Bachelor of Laws - June 1985
Osgoode Hall Law School at York University, Toronto, Canada. Course concentration in international law, criminal law, human rights law, philosophy of law, administrative law.

★    BA    Bachelor of Arts - June 1981
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Major in Political Science and Philosophy.


1991 - 1995: Carleton and McGill Universities, Ottawa and Montreal, Canada: Following the completion of my Doctorate in international law from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, under the primary supervision of Professor Georges Abi-Saab, I taught International Law, Legal Philosophy, Introduction to Law and several other courses at Carleton University, as well as a course in International Criminal Law at McGill University’s Faculty of Law, Montreal, Canada.  My Doctoral thesis entitled Individual Responsibility in International Law for Serious Human Rights Violations was published as a book by Martinus Nijhoff in 1992.  In 1997, I published another book, entitled, The Emerging System of International Criminal Law: Developments in Codification and Implementation, as well as numerous book sections, law journal articles and book reviews, all focused on improving practical implementation of human rights and humanitarian law and international criminal law.

1998 February: University of Helsinki Faculty of Law, Finland: Taught “International Crimes and Their Punishment”, Socrates Intensive LLM Programme in European Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences.

2001 August - 2005 July: University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, China: In August 2001, I took  up the positions of Associate Professor, Director of the Master of Laws (LLM) in Human Rights and Deputy Director of the Centre for Comparative and Public Law at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law, China.  I taught “International and Regional Systems of International Human Rights Protection”, “Human Rights: History, Theory and Politics”, “International Criminal Law”, “National Protection of Human Rights”, “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, and “Administrative Law Tutorials”. I was PhD Supervisor on international human rights law and international criminal law. I also set up the University's first LLM in Human Rights Internship with UNOHCHR at UNESCAP, Bangkok and organized and conducted an intensive two-week summer school for human rights NGOs, journalists and other practitioners in Hong Kong.

2002 and 2003, October - January: University of Geneva Faculty of Law: Switzerland, Centre for International Humanitarian Law, “International Human Rights Law” for the Masters programme.

2004 March: Padjadjaran University Faculty of Law, Bandung, Indonesia. I taught a full “Graduate Short Course in Human Rights” in cooperation with RWI and the Human Rights Study Centre (PAHAM).

2006 February-MarchPeking University Law School, Beijing, China.  I taught a full course on “The Rise and Development of International Human Rights Law Since 1945: Focus on the International Bill of Rights”.

2005 - present: Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund, Sweden. In 2005, I became Senior Lecturer and RWI’s first Director of Research (2005-2007).  I taught international law and various human rights courses in the Masters program. I also lectured and conducted extensive training for RWI in Africa, Asia and Europe on a wide range of international law related topics, with special emphasis on gender equality and minority rights.  I continue teaching and technical assistance responsibilities in the capacity of Visiting Professor at RWI.

2017- 2019: Visiting Professor of International Relations and Global Politics, The American University  of Rome, Rome, Italy.

2018 - present: Visiting Professor, Strathmore University Law School, Nairobi, Kenya.

2018 - 2020: Visiting Professor, Addis Ababa Centre for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

2017 - present: Adjunct Professor, Political Science, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy.

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